
my journey and what I like to do


2023-12-11 16:42:00

Paris, France

Hello, I’m Andrew S. Boyer, a passionate developer and entrepreneur deeply engaged in Computer Science at Georgia Tech. My personal journey and professional insights are chronicled on my website, asboyer.com, a testament to my dedication to technology and innovation. From the beginnings of self-taught programming to spearheading educational ventures like CyberSummerCamp, my path is characterized by a relentless pursuit of knowledge in computing, cybersecurity, and the Internet of Things (IoT). My foray into competitive fields, such as CTF hackathons, and my development of applications using Python, Java, and JavaScript, underscore my technical prowess and creative spirit.

During my tenure at Georgia Tech, I’ve expanded my skill set in software development and data science, confronting complex issues and engaging in groundbreaking projects. My academic endeavors are enriched by practical experiences in research and internships, where I’ve leveraged data analysis, machine learning, and web development to address real-world challenges. These experiences have not only solidified my technical foundation but also refined my collaborative and leadership skills.

My commitment to community engagement and technological education is profound. Initiatives like CyberSummerCamp and RebootHacks highlight my drive to enlighten and inspire the next generation about the transformative potential of technology. These platforms are a reflection of my belief in the power of tech education and my dedication to fostering learning and growth opportunities for others. Through these endeavors, I aim to simplify complex technological concepts, encouraging students to navigate and excel in the expansive realm of computing and cybersecurity.


2024-5-31 20:39:00

Barcelona, Spain

My technical expertise spans Python, Java, C/C++, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and tools like Git, Linux, Bash, AWS, and Jupyter. These skills have been honed through significant roles, such as a Student Researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital and a Data Science Intern at IntelyCare. My involvement in projects like Goat Grade, a data science platform for basketball analytics, and Reporty, a library for visual data distribution, illustrates my aptitude for software development and data science.

This array of skills has enabled me to make meaningful contributions across various domains, integrating software solutions with intricate data analytics challenges. My work at Massachusetts General Hospital, developing algorithms to predict patient outcomes, and at IntelyCare, optimizing staffing solutions with machine learning models, demonstrates the impactful intersection of data science and real-world applications.

Moreover, my personal projects, such as Goat Grade and Reporty, are emblematic of my relentless pursuit to apply my skills towards solving tangible problems. Goat Grade has revolutionized the way basketball statistics are analyzed and understood, offering new insights into the game. Reporty has streamlined the process of generating and distributing visual data reports, facilitating more efficient workflows for data scientists and researchers. These initiatives underscore my commitment to leveraging technology to enhance accessibility and actionability of information, embodying the synergy between development and data science in crafting innovative solutions.


2023-3-02 10:24:00

Atlanta, Georgia

My dedication to technological education extends beyond personal achievements, underscored by founding CyberSummerCamp to impart computer security knowledge to middle schoolers, and leading RebootHacks, a virtual hackathon that fosters innovation among high school students. Recognitions such as Eagle Scout and top placements in picoCTF highlight my leadership and technical skills. My overarching goal is to empower upcoming technologists through innovation, education, and a boundless curiosity about technology’s capabilities.

CyberSummerCamp has been particularly meaningful to me, developing a curriculum that not only introduces cybersecurity fundamentals but also instills ethical responsibility and critical thinking in participants. This initiative reflects my early experiences and the significant impact that hands-on learning and mentorship can have on young minds. By creating an engaging and supportive learning environment, I aspire to spark a passion for technology and problem-solving, guiding students toward realizing their potential within the vast field of computer science.

Lastly, RebootHacks serves as another pillar of my commitment, offering high school students a platform to collaborate, innovate, and confront challenges directly. This event promotes creativity and teamwork, enabling participants to apply their coding skills to develop solutions for real-world problems. My involvement in organizing and mentoring at these hackathons has been both a means to contribute to the community and a valuable experience in leadership and event management. Through these efforts, I aim to foster a culture of continuous learning, innovation, and collaboration among aspiring technologists, envisioning a future where technology acts as a catalyst for positive change.